Monthly Archives: February 2015

Southbank Skate Spot, London | 360° Timelapse

To me, Long Live Southbanks campaign to protect the undercroft is a huge inspiration, and has to be one of the strongest representations of skateboarders pulling together as a global community to be heard of. I was in London on business and I have always said to myself ‘next time I'm there I have to

Southbank Skate Spot, London | 360° Timelapse2015-05-05T10:37:53+01:00

SOAR Rural Development Programme Videos

Recently we worked with the Craigavon Borough Council to produce some video work for the SOAR initiative. 
We quickly and efficiently produced two videos, one full length version and one highlights version; each serving a different purpose and relaying valuable information on two variant levels. 

Southern Organisation for Action in Rural areas (SOAR), the Joint

SOAR Rural Development Programme Videos2016-11-04T09:34:26+00:00

The Hay Days Project

DVD The Haydays is a project delivered by the Richmount Rural Community Association and funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund. This project is an exploration of farming and home life in the 1950s, with a specific focus on the North Armagh region. Over the period of 16 months, we brought filming crews along to capture:

The Hay Days Project2016-11-04T09:34:29+00:00

Transformative Connections | New Website

BNL crossed paths with Enda some years ago before he began his new exciting venture with Transformative Connections. We were excited to be part of his journey by developing this stage 1 of his website. We love their passion and vision for technology and social media for peacebuilding and positive social change and are looking

Transformative Connections | New Website2015-05-05T10:43:59+01:00