Next stage in green screen and screen replacements technology

The Volume at Disney being used for filming during The Mandalorian.

Green Screen and Screen Replacements – Save this post!

Have you ever been stuck for a green screen and screen replacements?! Or had to search the web frantically whilst on a job?! Then read on…

There are constant advancements in CGI and technologies all the time! Just look at ‘The Volume’ from Disney for the next step in using computer design to create worlds we once thought might only exist in our imaginations.

This sort of tech combined with screen replacements, traditionally green and blue screen, is still a ‘go to’ tool for many creatives within the film or high end television industry. Yet the same applies to those of us that create informational videos, TV adverts or other corporate based video productions. Let’s set the scene of when you might need green screen templates.

Green Screen and Screen Replacement Dilemma – Setting the Scene

You’re creating a video for a client and it involves a person on a phone, tablet or at a computer, or all of the above. During filming your client suddenly suggests that it would be great to see information about their company or product on the screen. But filming the screens creates a weird and funky pattern (the morié effect) that you know just won’t work in the edit.

Green Screen and screen replacements stress

You suddenly realise the only thing standing in your way of some stunning footage is a screen replacement with tracking markers! It’s now when you realise you need a green screen template, when you’re under pressure to get the shot and suddenly you search through the internet for a good solid template for each device you’re filming. The pressure builds! 

Or maybe you’re in pre-production and you already know you’re going to need to film computers, tablets or phones (or all three) so that you can add information onto the screen in post production. Time is precious in pre production but you have to begin to search through the internet looking for the best green screen template you can find to fit each and every screen you are filming! 

Keep these Green Screen and Screen Replacements Safe!

Well no more! We’ve attached a link to a Google Drive with all the green screen templates we think you might need ready for you to access whenever you need them. 

For landscape we have 1920 x 1080 (HD), 2048×1080 (2K), 3840 x 2160 (UHD) and 4096×2048 (4K). For Vertical we have 720 x 1280, 1080 x 1920 and 2160 x 3840.  

All you have to do is save this weblink to your computer or device, share with friends and colleagues, or download them now and save them somewhere handy for you. Download them here.

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We want every project we work on to feel like an experience for our clients. So get in touch, and let us know how we can help shape your next experience.