
EVENT | ABC Style Week

Armagh City, Banbridge and Craigavon Style Week BNL Productions were thrilled to be chosen as the event management team to work with the Armagh City, Banbridge and Craigavon Borough Council on the #ABCStyleWeek Campaign. Working closely with the Council, we developed a week-long programme that involved the design and delivery of five

EVENT | ABC Style Week2018-08-11T11:27:16+01:00

BNL Working Internationally

We've been really busy here at BNL Productions. We've been expanding the areas of our work, welcoming new staff to the team and adding some shiny new equipment to our store . This allows us to complete even more work than before, while developing the creativity and diversity of our projects. We have loved working

BNL Working Internationally2018-08-11T11:36:10+01:00