
FILM | Dubshed 2016

We decided to head down to Dubshed for the afternoon for a bit of fun and when we say fun I mean “Lets bring the ronin and the Sony FS7.”  I have to be honest, not really into cars (just wanted to film some nice stuff) but aside of the filming the event as

FILM | Dubshed 20162018-08-11T15:06:14+01:00

Visual Waste | The Elk and Clipper

Since 2011 Visual Waste has worked with a broad range of clients from painting caravans for Northern Ireland Tourist Board to Painting Jameson whiskey advertising in Belfasts Cathedral Quarter.  Branding, Murals, Urban Art, Graffiti Art, Bars Pubs, Clubs, Workshops, Bedrooms, Boats, Planes, cars and caravans there's nothing Visual Waste wont paint.  Check out Visual Waste.

Visual Waste | The Elk and Clipper2016-11-04T09:34:26+00:00